Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Making peace with a curious mind


When you are living with a curious mind, you will find your mind often at times doesn’t stop thinking. Consciously taking in information from the outside world and/or processing those already inside. Day to day can’t be boring with this mind because in every second it always has something to be curious about. Even when there’s no new stimulation from the outside world, the mind itself already has everything.

Living with this curious mind can make you look peculiar to others. But it won’t matter to you because what matters to you is your own mind. Learning is day-to-day basis for you. It can happen at any time, anywhere, and can be about anything to everything.

Sometimes it surprises you. How it can interrelate one thing to other things even when they seem obscure. Maybe indeed its goal is to connect dots between things, to understand one thing to its core. Until the mind thinks it’s enough, for the time being.

The world has left you wonder. It is a never-ending quest. The curious mind makes you an open door to the world and its possibilities. Nothing has satisfied or will never satisfy a curious mind. Perhaps when one day there will be an end, a finished line, your curious mind will keep questioning, “so what is after this?”, “what will await us?.”

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

a mind that keeps me awake at night (2)

I wrote a simple poem about the rubik last year and posted it on here. I refer the rubik as the whole myself. I am still wondering the way to solve the rubik. I keep in mind that the rubik has to be solved. So that i become complete. 
And hey! What if the rubik is not meant to be solved? What if some people are indeed an unsolved rubik? 
Can I stay as an unsolved rubik without stopping to find the way? .mind blowing.
So, days ago, i had the quick conversation with a friend. Seems like we have same concern, but we are clearly different in many ways yet are in the same pace. 
i miss it. i miss intellectual conversation. To talk about everything worthy. wondering about life, to talk what's important in life. 
There comes a time when you feel like you are lost. Simply losing the reason why. To talk to a person with same concern or a person who cares enough, can be much help. To talk with friends about this and that for hours until you reach a conclusion with a form of question. And then you are wondering together about the question. And then you laugh, realizing that life is for living. 

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

a mind that keeps me awake at night

Lately i find it hard to sleep in peace. to sleep without having to think about things. to sleep without having to listen to what my mind's thinking. 
Rather than typing like this, i used to write down what i was thinking on papers. a lot of papers. It usually became full of doodles and words. It became meaningless when i read em in the next day.
I usually wonder about people, world, with 5W+1H questions. 
I sometime had myself write the sentences that came up after long contemplating. I may forget it soon, so i feel like i have to write it down.

Lately, i am thinking about the past. More like how to forget the past. People tend to think a lot about their past. They may have decided on things in the past. But the past is the past. There were decisions you made, and you can't do much about them. OId people (or people who has passed their younger years), often find themselves regret on things they have done or they haven't done. They find their dreams are fading. But do they realize that they still got time and faith? 
Or maybe there was something hurts them. The feeling of hurt itself will not just disappear as time goes on. There are so many people who claim they cannot forget the past. That the past is still haunting them. Of course they cannot forget the past. Because you cannot choose to forget the past but you can choose to forgive. Why forgiving? sometimes we forgot it's not the event that haunting us, it is the pain. We want to cure the pain. And the key is forgiving. Forgiving yourself, then someone else. The event will be still there, but it will transform into something from which we can learn.

I overthink sometimes. and i feel tired of it. Because somehow i realize that maybe there are things that do not need to be answered. Or maybe we just have to enjoy the questions. Because i often reach the conclusion in a form of question. Yes, just enjoy the question. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Resensi Novel: EDGAR&ELLEN : Tourist Trap

Tanggal 6 September 2012 lalu, di kelas XI SOCIAL 1, SMAN 8 TANGERANG, Bapak Bandi guru Bahasa Indonesia memberi tugas untuk meresensi sebuah novel. Dan setelah tugas selesai, dikumpulkan, dan dinilai, akhrinya saya memutuskan untuk memposting tugas resensi tadi di blog. check it out! ;)

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Petualangan Menakjubkan Dua Bocah Nakal

Judul Buku : Edgar&Ellen: Tourist Trap
Pengarang : Charles Ogden
Penerjemah : Eka Santi Sasono
Tebal Buku : 205 halaman
Penerbit : Matahati

Sinopsis :

Bagaimana jadinya dua anak kembar yang hidup tanpa orangtua? Kemungkinan terburuk adalah seperti Edgar dan Ellen, si kembar nakal. Ditinggal orangtua berkelana keliling dunia dan hanya hidup berdua dia sebuah rumah (atau lebih tepatnya sebuah bangunan yang tinggi menjulang seperti tiang, yang mencolok di antara pemakaman dan tempat pembuangan sampah) serta ide luar biasa mereka yang menjadikannya terkenal di seluruh Kota Nod’s Limbs. Terkenal karena kenakalan tentunya.
Nah, kali ini di buku Edgar&Ellen: Tourist Trap, Charles Ogden si penulis, mengajak kita berkeliling bersama Edgar dan Ellen untuk mejelajahi Nod’s Limbs. Sebuah kota kecil yang tampak eksotis dan penuh kejutan. Di novel ini, kita seperti turis yang mengunjungi kota asing. Kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi nanti. Apalagi ada Edgar dan Ellen yang ‘menemani’ kita.
Misi si kembar kali ini adalah menggagalkan rencana walikota untuk memajukan pariwisata di Nod’s Limbs. Kenakalan mereka dimulai dengan insiden peledakkan kue ulang tahun Stephanie Knightleigh, anak perempuan sang walikota. Ditambah lagi dengan mengacaukan jadwal tur para turis yang terdiri dari sepasang suami isteri, aktor laga, penulis lepas dan seorang wartwati perjalanan wisata sekaligus editor di Capital Times. Edgar dan Ellen  berpura-pura menjadi pemandu wisata dan menggiring para turis ke tempat yang tidak semestinya. Dengan tujuan membuat kesan buruk Kota Nod’s Limbs.
Biasanya akhir sebuah novel adalah si tokoh utama hidup bahagia dan keinginannya terkabul, semua konflik diakhiri dengan damai dan tenang. Tapi, lain halnya dengan novel karangan Charles Ogden ini. cerita berakhir dengan tidak terduga. Membuat kita penasaran akan serial Edgar&Ellen berikutnya.

Penilaian :
Novel unik ini dikemas dengan sangat menarik. Sampul depan dihiasi dua wajah tokoh utama Edgar dan Ellen. Latar sampul dibuat warna biru dan dihiasi dengan pemandangan sekilas Kota Nod’s Limbs. Sangat menrik minat calon pembaca untuk segera membeli dan membacanya. Kertas yang digunakan juga cukup tebal danm terang, serta hasil terjemahan yang pas membuat pembaca tidak bosan membaca novel yang terdiri dari 205 halaman ini. Nilai  plus lain adalah ilustrasi yang ada di setiap babnya membuat pembaca terbawa dalam Edgar dan Ellen.

Sasaran Pembaca :
Walaupun novel ini berkisah tentang anak-anak, Edgar&Ellen dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan.

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Sunday, November 07, 2010